Tuesday, October 21, 2008

our job status

Many of you have been asking about Doug's job situation and honestly, I didn't realize we hadn't updated you on the events since we first mentioned possibly moving back to Campbellsville. Let me try...where should I start...well, first of all, Doug is not teaching anymore. We really had to make a decision about whether or not he would be teaching again when the end of July came and the folks at CU were still saying that they might have a position for us. And honestly, we really felt like that was where God wanted us to be. So he quit his job on faith that God would work it all out. Now, two and a half months later, we're still here in Munfordville....and it hasn't worked out. Well, OUR PLAN hasn't worked out!! (Good thing God is smarter than we are!)

So right now, Doug is staying home with the kids (which has actually been a huge blessing)!! And he loves it (and I love it too)!! So honestly, we feel like we're kind of in the desert at this point. Like God has lead him out of teaching and now were waiting to see what "promised" land he'll lead us to next (as we know Doug is called to full time ministry).

He is all signed up to start seminary in January and we've come to the conclusion that we'll just be content in the desert and let God continue to provide for us. The hardest part of it all is not stressing over the financial aspects and just letting God bless us with his tender mercies.

I read a passage of scripture last week in Exodus 16 after Moses had lead the children of Israel out of Egypt into the desert. The Israelites had been complaining that they were hungry to the point that they were whining to go back to their slavery so that they could eat. And here's what God said...

"I have heard the grumblings of Israel; speak to them saying, at twilight
you shall eat meat and in the morning you shall be filled with bread; and
you shall know that I am the LORD your God."
(Ex 16:12)

"The sons of Israel did so [gathered the quail and manna], and some gathered
much and some little. When they measured it with an omer he who had
gathered much had no excess and he who gathered little had no lack; every
man gathered as much as he should eat."
(Ex 16:17-18)

Oh that I would go to the LORD daily for His provision. It is THEN that (no matter what He gave me) I would have NO LACK!! I praise Him for the provisions that He has given to us so far in this desert period and I continue to pray that we would seek His face daily in order to gather His blessings!!

a visit with Doug's mom

We have finally gotten to visit with Doug's mom (who had never met Leah or Lex)!! Needless to say everyone was excited. Doug's brother Stephen (in the yellow) is in the 8th grade and sister Alicia (holding Leah) is 19 and living in an apartment in Richmond. His mom is in the middle (with the biggest smile of all)!! We had a good time, but weren't there near long enough. Leah and Lex really enjoyed their new family members.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

the beach (again)

Well, we've been to the beach AGAIN!! Thanks to mom and dad we had another great week on the Isle of Palms (Charleston, SC). It was great to get away to Pigeon Forge last weekend for our family renunion (that is ALWAYS too short) knowing that we were still going to get to relax at the beach for almost another whole week. Leah and Doug built a sandcastle and Lex actually got in the sand this time (we're making progress). Here are some photos...

THE castle!
OK, so maybe the sand isn't so bad afterall.
What a happy family =)
Notice how far the next family is on the beach!
I LOVE the beach on fall break!!
This is Lex saying PLEASE, OH, PLEASE don't put me in that water daddy!
Leah and Pop collecting shells (their daily routine)!!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

lex's birthday

Lex turned ONE on Monday!! We had a little family party at Mom and Dad's house for him. He didn't really have a clue what was going on, but he liked his cake!! Here are some pictures.

Hmmmmm......is that a real duckie?

You all open my presents while I play with the blocks!

Where has this been all my life?

Big Sis enjoying some cake!