Monday, August 25, 2008

leah (and the shower)

Tonight Leah had preschool orientation at Munfordville Baptist (where she will be going to preschool 2 half days a week). This will be her second year so needless to say, she was a pro at the orientation tonight. Kiley (her cousin) is also in her class. They make a very "talkative" pair! Anyway, at the very end of the orientation, Mrs. Brown (their teacher) has all of the children lined up outside of the Family Life Center and she has just finished explaining to all of us (parents) how to drop off and pick up our children. To finish everything up she asks if anyone has any questions. And of course, Leah has to raise her hand. And when Mrs. Brown calls on her to share she says as confidently as possible, "I taked a shower last week!" The entire congregation of parents and grandparents burst into laughter as they teased us the rest of the night about only bathing our child once a week. It was hilarious!

Anyway, Leah has had her second shower (by herself) toinght! She loves the independence and we love not having to fool with it!! I think we will have to start instituting the "smell test," though, as she gets less and less enthused about the process. But as of now, she loves singing, washing and scrubbing her hair in the shower all by herself.

I think we have a grown up on our hands!

1 comment:

The Ky Roberts said...

K, I think your right. Leah and Layni would get along really well. We really should try to get our kids together sometime! How crazy and fun to watch our kids play together! Hope all is well in M-ville! Love ya. Terra