Saturday, June 28, 2008

VBS 2008

Boy did we have a GREAT time on Outrigger Island this year at VBS. That makes THREE weeks this summer we will spend on an island (Outrigger, Dauphin Island this week on our mission trip and Isle of Palms on vacation). I taught 2-3 grade this year and Leah had a great preschool class. Doug did Rec (as always) and Lex enjoyed Ms. Lucille, Molly and Breanna in the nursery each night. Here are some photos from our final night where the kids "performed" our songs to their parents.

Leah playing her bongos!

The preschool row saying "REPENT....quickly, quickly!!"

And this is Lex and Gracie (Leah's friend) getting ready for VBS one afternoon. Gracie thought it would be cute to put her glasses on Lex....she was right!!

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